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Extended Hands Pantry at a Glance

Extended Hands Pantry is a volunteer-driven, faith-based, non-profit organization with a two-fold purpose. To provide groceries and other household items to those in need, and to provide tutoring for children in low income neighborhoods. 


Our food pantry puts an emphasis on providing culturally appropriate foods.  ​


Low reading and math achievement are still the rule for many children, In today's knowledge economy, success in school equips children with the tools to become tomorrow's leaders in our communities. 

Ways We Help

Extended Hands Pantry is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Non-Profit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.


Lighthouse Food Pantry




After-School Light Meal

Nourishing our Children

School Supplies

Helping The Community

Community Dinners

Paused due to COVID-19

High Fives

Mission: Serve our area families and individuals with compassionate acts of love. Encourage, educate, and nourish our children as a servant-hearted expression of Jesus Christ.


Nuestra mision: Servir a familias e individuos de nuestra zona con compasivos actos de amor. Alentar,

educar y nutrir a nuestros niños como una expresión de Jesucristo sirviendo de corazón.

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